About the Friends

My photo
Yellingbo, Woori Yallock Creek sub-catchment, Australia
Have you ever wanted to contribute to conservation of a threatened species? The Helmeted Honeyeater is Victoria's state emblem and is listed as: 1. Critically endangered (DSE Advisory List Of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna In Victoria - 2007) 2. Threatened (Victorian Govt. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988) 3. Critically endangered (Federal Govt. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) Can people make a difference to this bird's long-term survival? We believe anyone can. Check out the 'Take action' button on our homepage (www.helmetedhoneyeater.org.au), then contact us for more details.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

VEAC Yellingbo Investigation - an update

The Minister for Environment and Climate Change has recently granted the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) an extension of time for the Yellingbo Investigation. This will allow the VEAC members, with a majority of who only commenced on VEAC about two months ago, more time to give due consideration to the important issues and complexities that have emerged in the work done on the Investigation to date.

The Investigation is now due for completion by 31 July 2013 instead of 25 February 2013. As a result, the Draft Proposals Paper that was scheduled for publication in late August 2012 will be released in November or December 2012.

To receive updates and developments on the Yellingbo Investigation as they occur, please register for the VEAC mailing list here.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Your help needed. Wallaby shootings at Yellingbo

Three swamp wallabies have been found shot in Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve recently. What will they shoot next?

Can you help?

If you see, hear or know anything please phone Yarra Junction police on (03) 5967 1104 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Read more here

Image: Swamp wallaby in Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve
S. Tardif