About the Friends

My photo
Yellingbo, Woori Yallock Creek sub-catchment, Australia
Have you ever wanted to contribute to conservation of a threatened species? The Helmeted Honeyeater is Victoria's state emblem and is listed as: 1. Critically endangered (DSE Advisory List Of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna In Victoria - 2007) 2. Threatened (Victorian Govt. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988) 3. Critically endangered (Federal Govt. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) Can people make a difference to this bird's long-term survival? We believe anyone can. Check out the 'Take action' button on our homepage (www.helmetedhoneyeater.org.au), then contact us for more details.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Survey results - why do you access this website?

The results are in for our latest Blog survey - Why did you access this website? From a total of 24 responses:
A. I love birds - 7 responses
B. Research - 7 responses
C. Mistake. Not interested - Nil
D. Interest in environment - 7 responses
E. Looking for a way to get involved - 4 responses

Thank you. This helps us tailor the website further.

Prickly Currant-bush & school children

It continually surprises me what children connect with when we're talking to them about the Helmeted Honeyeater and its habitat. Prickly Currant-bush, Coprosma quadrifida, is one of those things. Why? If you have some ideas lets us know.

Do they relate to it being a great place to get away from predators? Do they like the idea of a hiding place being a source of food as well? Hmmm... Anyway, we received some fabulous letters and pictures from Warburton Primary School students after their recent revegetation day at Yellingbo. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we have!