About the Friends

My photo
Yellingbo, Woori Yallock Creek sub-catchment, Australia
Have you ever wanted to contribute to conservation of a threatened species? The Helmeted Honeyeater is Victoria's state emblem and is listed as: 1. Critically endangered (DSE Advisory List Of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna In Victoria - 2007) 2. Threatened (Victorian Govt. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988) 3. Critically endangered (Federal Govt. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) Can people make a difference to this bird's long-term survival? We believe anyone can. Check out the 'Take action' button on our homepage (www.helmetedhoneyeater.org.au), then contact us for more details.

Monday, April 27, 2015

When upgrading is not something to smile about

Swamp Gum - core habitat. Image S.Tardif
 When Australian fauna found nowhere else on earth go from endangered to critically endangered.

Both the Helmeted Honeyeater and Leadbeater's Possum (Victoria's faunal emblems) have recently been upgraded to critically endangered - facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild - under The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act).

The EPBC Act is the Australian Government's central piece of environmental legislation. It provides a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places — defined in the EPBC Act as matters of national environmental significance.

Is this all bad news? Is this the beginning of the end?


The Recovery Teams of both species have sought EPBC Act critically endangered status to provide for increased protection of these species. 

What can you do?
Many things. Both big and small. For starters, contact the Friends and buy a membership (from $10). 

Your membership makes a difference. Find out more here