About the Friends

My photo
Yellingbo, Woori Yallock Creek sub-catchment, Australia
Have you ever wanted to contribute to conservation of a threatened species? The Helmeted Honeyeater is Victoria's state emblem and is listed as: 1. Critically endangered (DSE Advisory List Of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna In Victoria - 2007) 2. Threatened (Victorian Govt. Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988) 3. Critically endangered (Federal Govt. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) Can people make a difference to this bird's long-term survival? We believe anyone can. Check out the 'Take action' button on our homepage (www.helmetedhoneyeater.org.au), then contact us for more details.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The records keep coming

Another bumper breeding season - new record for Helmeted Honeyeaters...

... and the season is not over yet!

In March 2015 we celebrated a record total number of Helmeted Honeyeaters at Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve. The end of the breeding season saw 130 individuals recorded, including 46 fledglings, another record.

In September 2015, 18 captive bred birds were released into Yellingbo, taking this number to a potential 148. We hadn't accounted for all 148, and suspected some didn't make it through the harsh winter, but the population was still doing really, really well.  

BUT, now we are excited.

The 2015-16 breeding season is now heading into it's last month/s. Early signs were that it may be a shorter breeding season than last year due to the drier and warmer year.

At last count however, there were:
  • more breeding pairs than ever before (31)
  • more fledglings than ever before (55 so far - a lot of banding to do!)
  • a larger total population than ever before (up to 182 individual birds).
Stay tuned for the end of season report.

Would you like to be part of the volunteer team that is making a difference to the survival of the Helmeted Honeyeater? Contact us for further details.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Breaking records - again!

In March this year we told you about the record breaking news - more birds than ever before, more breeding pairs than ever before...


In the 2013-14 breeding season (Aug'13-Feb'14), 36 Helmeted Honeyeater young were raised at Yellingbo. A bumper year!

In the 2014-15 breeding season (Aug'14-Feb'15):
  • in excess of 130 individual birds - a record number of birds since the start of the recovery program in 1989
  • 23 breeding territories - a record number
  • 46 fledglings - beating the 1995-96 record
  • 1 female had triplets for the 2nd year running (plus two additional clutches of 2 offspring each).
  • more birds than ever before are being observed
  • more breeding pairs and territories than ever before
  • more fledglings than ever before 
  • another female has just had triplets!
  • ... and the season still has a couple of months to go!
How good is that?

Would you like to be part of the volunteer team that monitors the Helmeted Honeyeater populations at Yellingbo? Contact us for further details.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Caught on camera
Remote cameras are one of the great inventions for wildlife monitoring.

Unfortunately, someone thought their needs were greater than the Recovery Program's.

One stolen remote camera (after this image was downloaded and the camera reinstated).

One less opportunity to learn how to manage this critically endangered bird.

Friday, September 25, 2015

18 Helmeted Honeyeaters set free

A corroboree in the sun just after release: making friends
Yesterday 18 captive bred Helmeted Honeyeaters from Healesville Sanctuary were released into the wild at Yellingbo, joining the 130 birds located there.

Read more here

A team of 70+ volunteers are now springing into action to help support and monitor these birds under the direction of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning's Senior Scientist Ornithology.

How can you join this dedicated team? Email us for more information.

Image: Merryn Kelly

Friday, September 4, 2015

Do you plant here often?

Landcare for Singles – Yellingbo

When: Sunday 13th September from 10.30am – 2pm

Where: Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, Macclesfield Rd, Yellingbo Melway ref: 306 A8

What: Planting to restore habitat for the endangered state bird emblem - the Helmeted Honeyeater..and…who knows….maybe meeting that someone special.

Register online

Further Details: Upon registration, further details regarding the day will be sent to you.

Enquiries: yvlandcare@bigpond.com mob: 0488 766 113

This Event is hosted by the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater, with support from the Macclesfield Landcare Group and coordinated by the Yarra Ranges Landcare Network.

This event has been made possible through a PPWCMA Community Grant.