... and the season is not over yet!
In March 2015 we celebrated a record total number of Helmeted Honeyeaters at Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve. The end of the breeding season saw 130 individuals recorded, including 46 fledglings, another record.
In September 2015, 18 captive bred birds were released into Yellingbo, taking this number to a potential 148. We hadn't accounted for all 148, and suspected some didn't make it through the harsh winter, but the population was still doing really, really well.
BUT, now we are excited.
The 2015-16 breeding season is now heading into it's last month/s. Early signs were that it may be a shorter breeding season than last year due to the drier and warmer year.
At last count however, there were:
- more breeding pairs than ever before (31)
- more fledglings than ever before (55 so far - a lot of banding to do!)
- a larger total population than ever before (up to 182 individual birds).
Would you like to be part of the volunteer team that is making a difference to the survival of the Helmeted Honeyeater? Contact us for further details.