We are currently seeking interest from new volunteers able to assist with the important role of supplementary feeding a colony of Helmeted
Honeyeaters at either Yellingbo NCR (near Woori Yallock) or Bunyip SP (near Gembrook or Tonimbuk). Feeding occurs daily (weekdays and weekends) and each feeding activity takes roughly between 2 - 4 hours, but many volunteers often take longer if they are enjoying their visit into the forest.
Volunteers tasks will include:
- preparing supplementary feed
- walking into forested areas to supply feed at designated feeding stations
- recording birds observed and adding to data sheets
- cleaning up feeding equipment
These tasks can be undertaken as an individual or in pairs/small group.
As a small amount of training is required it is hoped that volunteers will be able to participate for a minimum of at least 5 sessions over a year with a preference for being willing to take on a more permanent feeding shift either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. As our current group of more permanent volunteers often have to take a day off here or there; being on a volunteer "on call/backup" list is also very useful if this suits your situation better.
Joining the Friends of Helmeted Honeyeater group would also be beneficial but is not a requirement. For more information visit
Note: a 4WD is required to access the parks and supplementary feeding areas.
For more information or to register your interest please contact Bruce Quin, the Senior Ornithologist for the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Program. E-mail: bruce.quin@dse.vic.gov.au
Mobile: 0412 576 646
Image: Supplementary feeding at Yellingbo
Photographer: S Tardif