Offering generous incentives to landholders to undertake activities such as fencing for stock exclusion, weed control, woodland and wildlife habitat enhancement and strategic revegetation.
Another complimentary target of the project is to create biolinks between the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve and the other nearby environmentally significant reserves i.e. Kurth Kiln Regional Park to the south east, the Yarra Ranges National Park and Warramate Nature Conservation Reserve to the north and the Dandenong Ranges National Park to the west. This is to support and protect the threatened populations of wildlife – especially the Helmeted Honeyeater and Leadbeater’s Possum.
Applications are now open for Round 1 (closing 28 February 2010). More details and an application form at http://www.yarra4life.com.au/opportunities/landholders.aspx
Yarra4Life Woodlands & Biolink Project is funded by the Australian Government through Australian Government ‘Caring for our Country’ and the Judith Eardley Save Wildlife
Image: Map of project boundaries. See the website (above) for more details